Opening with what science is, semantics of the word theory.
Ah, so that;s why I;m sticking with my major- genetics, and how they're some of the strongest support for the theory evolution.
3/8 witnesses isn't many... interestingly enough, Scott Minnich is a professor at University of Idaho in the department I was considering.
Law and Orderesque bumps...huh.
The fact that Michael Behe is a biochemist makes his role as an ID advocate somewhat ironic. Also, I was not aware Behe quote-mined DeRosier's paper on the flagellum motor. Especially with DeRosier comparing the bubonic plague's 'syringe' to the motor complexes.
Ah, there's Miller's tieclip. :D
Rothschild's books may have been theatrical, but they proved a point.
Ah, Minnich. And the flagellum again...
The Dover paster reinforces the idea that Evolution takes away humanity's special spot as an image of God in the eyes of the fundamentalists. From a personal perspective, I believe God imbued humanity with free will, with souls- not explicit design, but that's where his 'fingerprints' lie. I wave my theistic evolutionary flag.
Meat of the matter- was the school board violating the establishment clause? The Creation Science catalog bit is indeed a smoking gun. By using the same definition, ID demonstrates itself to be a copy-paste job, that it is synonymous with creationism.
And Barbara Forest brings in The Wedge, recovered from the depths of the internet.
...splitting a log doesn't strike me as an innocent thingamajig. This does provide, however, evidence for an ideological agenda to push a particular set of morals/culture, etc.
Ah. There's the 'laced with Darwinism' quote, plus Creationism... oh god. He just said 'doncha know'... I shouldn't stereotype, but fundies like Buckingham and Sarah Palin in politics worries me.
'Pray for money'... guh. This whole thing REEKS of bad practice in education.
Oh boo. "A one minute statement"... "not asking [the science teachers] to become priests"... No. It walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, but they're calling it a turtle.
Oh, 700 Club. You demogogue, Robertson, you.
He sent out his opinion by e-mail? Interesting.
...whut. Buckingham, calling Jones a clown? o________O;;;
Here ends the program.
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