Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Stuck on You: Tiny Squid makes Two Kinds of Glue

Like the previous article, I had difficulty trying to find an application that college students could appreciate. As previously mentioned, this was part of BioSc 494: Popular Science Journalism and appeared in the Fall 2011 issue of Tigra Scientifica which can be downloaded here.

While other mollusks like snails and mussels often secrete sticky ooze, cephalopods like octopus and squid generally aren’t known for chemical adhesion. Hoever, members of one squid family Idiosepiidae, are identified by their sticky secretion organ. Idiosepius squid can be smaller than your pinky fingernail and glue themselves to seaweed in order to hide from predators. They can then quickly unstuck themselves for a speedy getaway. In a study published in the Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Mag. Norbert Cyran and his team from the University of Vienna investigated Idiosepius’ adhesive organ at a microscopic level for the first time and found that the diminutive squid makes two different types of glue.
Many kinds of chemical adhesion are found in nature. Barnacles are infamous for the strength of their attachment to any surface, gripping on everything from boat hulls to living whales. Spiders use natural adhesives to construct intricate webs. These organisms usually use mixtures of proteins and carbohydrates to make their glue. Humans have tapped into this, by boiling animal bones, tendons, and skin to make the animal glue used in stringed instruments and deriving shellac from a species of beetle in India.
            Samples of the squid skin were prepared and examined under electron microscopes. The adhesive organ was also stained and sliced for 3-D analysis in a computer. The outer skin layer consists of two cell layers made up of six different cell types, which correspond to structures initially described in 1921. Three of the different cell types are specifically restricted to the adhesive organ and are likely linked to glue production. One type of cell was evenly spread throughout the organ, and the other two clustered together. Both the evenly distributed cells and the clustered cells use a similar secretion pathway, but based on where the two types of cells are in the skin Cyran and colleagues determined that these are two different types of secretions. Cyran proposed two different models: in the first, the two different types function as a duo-gland system where one secretion glues the squid to a surface and the other secretion unsticks, and in the second model both cell groupings produce the same type of glue. The researchers suggest more biochemical research is necessary to truly unlock the sticking mechanism.
Further research into Idiosepius’ glue methods could be promising. Bioadhesives could be used in the medical field where needed, as the body might be less likely to reject a biologically created adhesive than a synthetic one- a possible technology for stitches.   Biomimicry, or taking ideas from structures and processes in nature for human use, can lead to novel applications. Barnacles have been studied for their incredibly strong glue. Idiosepius’ temporary glue could have equally useful applications. Once the reaction is figured out, the glue-making method can be applied elsewhere. For now, though, Idiosepius’ exact glue recipe remains a mystery.

Ultrastructural characterization of the adhesive organ of Idiosepius biserialis and Idiosepius pygmaeus (Mollusca: Cephalopoda)
Norbert Cyran, Waltraud Klepal and Janek von Byern (2011) 
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, - loc91, Volume 91, Issue 07 , November 2011 pp 1499-1510

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